Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Although WebSockets haven't been around for a long time, we view them as a real game changer when it comes to creating Line of Business applications (LOB) on the Web.  They provide the ability to have real-time messaging between browser clients.  No longer do we have to have the browser polling the server on an scheduled interval to determine what is going on in the application (polling can take up valuable server side resources). Now the server can send message directly to the browser in real time when needed.

WebSocket technology has been included in all the major browsers and several server side applications have been developed to support WebSockets.  Some of the server side solutions we have looked at are:

      Name a popular language and I'll bet you someone has created or is creating a WebSocket Server application with it. 

But this post is not about what WebSockets are or how to develop them.  There are several postings on the web that cover them far better than I can. If you need to understand more about WebSockets, I would recommend starting at for more information..

What I'd like to talk about is what problems WebSockets can solve for us. We have several requirements for our application that we are exploring the use of WebSockets. Here are a few (but not all) that we are looking at:

  1. Record locking
  2. Real time scheduling/status updates
  3. Build in Instant Messaging (IM)
  4. Administration functions (ie: seeing active users, system shutdown notification, etc.)
  5. And more....

Each one of these topics is a blog post in itself.  I've decided to narrow it down to one “Record locking;” look for posts about others in the future.

One of the major challenges in creating multi-user web applications is managing concurrent access to a data record for updates.  Because HTTP is stateless, the challenge is to develop a way to prevent and handle change conflicts. I've seen several solutions developed and used in the past.

Record lock bit: 
This solution entails creating a bit column in the table to flag a record as locked.  When a user is about to edit a record, the record is updated with a lock bit that would prevent others from editing the same record.  This requires the browser to make a request to the server to update the record.  When another user tries to edit the record, it would first check to see if the lock bit is set. If it is, the user would not be allowed to edit the record.  The challenge with this solution is that the user does not have any real time notification when the record is unlocked. The browser would have to constantly poll to see when the record is free.  Additionally if the user’s (the one editing the record) computer crashes the lock bit could be left in a lock state. This would prevent anyone from editing the record until the lock bit is cleared.  Both of these challenges can be solved but it would take some complex coding.

Another solution is to put a version number with each record.  When the user views a record, the records version number would be retrieved with the record.  When user edits the records and saves, the server side code would first verify that the record has the same version number; if it does the user is free to save the record.  If the version number is different, the server would prevent the save and would notify the user that the record was updated by someone else.  At this time, the challenge is what to do with the unsaved data. Some solutions would be:

  • Code the application to try to merge the changes
  • Just have the user discard their changes and re-enter them

These options would require a good chunk of coding or an angry user.

With WebSockets, we are looking to have the client be notified in real time that some else is editing the record.  When a user wants to edit a record, a notification is sent out to any client that is viewing the same record.  At that point the other users would not be able to put the record into “edit” mode. The edit button would disabled and a message would be displayed like “User John Doe is currently editing”.  When the record is saveed or editing canceled, a notification would go out to the any user viewing the record.  This notification would trigger the edit button to be enabled on the other clients. It would also send updated record data to the display. Each user viewing the record would see the updates in real-time.

We are currently in the prototyping phase of this solution and as we learn more I will post about our findings (what worked, what didn't, etc)

Wish us luck.